If you don't have an image for a firearm, you can use one of these icons to represent it. You can always change it later and it will automatically be updated in the RANGE RECORDS and elsewhere. You can also load your own icons or other images (several more icons are included in the main folder and FIREARMS ICON screen).
You can also use this feature to create an image for an ALIEN FIREARM (a firearm you don't own), which is either borrowed or a friend is using his/her own firearm and you are recording that firearm in the RANGE RECORDS.
Another benefit is to change the main existing firearm image to an icon that stands out for very easy finding in the RANGE RECORDS. Then switching back by clicking on the small icon at the bottom left of the main image box (it shows after your first change).
Still another use is to add a small icon next to the main photo of your firearm image. Use it to help identify or mark something about that firearm. You can do this by clicking on the small thumbnail of the icon next to the icon. You can clear it by clicking on the small icon that now appears next to the photo of the firearm (upper left side).
And yet another use is to add a small thumbnail icon to any target or image in the RANGE RECORDS to tag it for any reason.
This is a new feature for the PRO VERSION. Here you can select from over 144 icons. Start by clicking on the ICONS tab.
01. You are shown 24 active icons at a time. Select any one of them to represent the main firearm image.
02. You can view more icons by selecting the numbers 1 through 6.
03. Clicking on the 'I' (Insert) will insert the icon as the main firearm image. The new image will be automatically updated in the RANGE RECORDS and elsewhere. A small thumbnail at the bottom left now appears. You can click on that image to revert back to the previous image, and again, the image will be automatically updated in the RANGE RECORDS and elsewhere.
04. Clicking on the small thumbnail next to the icons will put that small thumbnail next to the main image. You can click on that new thumbnail to delete it.
05. Clicking on ICON LIST will bring you to the FIREARMS ICONS screen where you can load new icons or more icons and organize them.