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01. Enter the date of purchase.


02. Enter the cost, if you prefer.


03. Enter the dealer or other source for this AMMO ID. A pull-down menu list will be automatically created for quicker future entries.


04. Enter the location of this AMMO ID, such as GUN SAFE, CABINET, ALL WITH GUN, etc. A pull-down menu list will be automatically created for quicker future entries.


05. If ammo has been sold or otherwise disposed of, it will lower your overall inventory but shouldn't be counted as expended ammo. Putting a figure in "ADJUST" will lower what remains in the ammo record and yet not be counted as expended. You can also add notes.


06. This update is often automatically entered after a day of shooting and this ammo count has been altered. It is not meant for entry when you buy the ammo. And yes, you can manually enter the date.


07. If you really need to, you can RESET this AMMO ID to it's original value and clear any of this AMMO ID with any guns.



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